Institute of Indian Geographers

The Institute of Indian Geographers is an association of Geographers, established in 1979 with the Department of Geography, University of Pune, as its registered headquarters.  The membership of the Institute is largely drawn from earth scientists and other allied disciplines, though it is open to anyone interested in the knowledge of the earth and its environment. The Institute strives to promote geographical knowledge by research, teaching and such of the activities as will directly or indirectly lead to the growth of Geography. Since its foundation, the Institute has been regularly publishing the biannual journal, the Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers, and brought out some monographs. The Institute is regularly organising annual Geographers’ Meets at university centres in different parts of the country, often accompanied by field trips, as well as topical seminars from time to time.  Invited lectures by eminent geographers represent another important activity of the Institute. To encourage research students to present their research findings at the Meets, the Institute is annually giving an award to the best young scholar. The Institute proudly counts 800 Life Members, Institutional Members, Annual Members and regular subscribers to the Transactions.

Institute of Indian Geographers
c./o. Department of Geography
University of Pune
PUNE   411 007